Welcome to my travel journal
Living life as it is in every moment.
Fintra Beach Swimming and Camping
Hi, before I even start this latest blog post, I have to apologise. My last post here was way back in April, just after we finished our van conversion, and somewhere along the way, we got so busy campervanning I couldn't find the time to sit down and get my thoughts...
Slieve Binnian – Silent Valley – Mourne Mountains
Slieve Binnian – Silent Valley – Mourne Mountains So earlier this year, I climbed my very first...
Moate to Mullingar 60 km Cycle
For our 3rd trip to the Old Rail Trail in the Irish midlands, we decided to start at Moate and...
Athlone Mullingar Greenway
Athlone Mullingar Greenway AKA The Old Rail Trail The 40km Athlone Mullingar Greenway runs along...