Hi I’m Tina! Welcome to my website
I’m a children’s author, travel, craft, and theatre writer. I write in various genres, a selection of which is available here. Depending on your interest, I have broken down each section and created an archive of my theatre and screenplay scripts. They are all accessible from the menu above or the icons below.
I’m a children’s author, travel, craft, and theatre writer. I write in various genres, a selection of which is available here. Depending on your interest, I have broken down each section and created an archive of my theatre and screenplay scripts.

From my Notebook
Self-editing my short story
Today I want to talk about editing because it is not one of my strong points, and I assumed editing was all grammar focused. Once I eliminated that idea, I began to enjoy the process. After all, I can outsource the proof and line edit to someone good at that job. One of the stories I have been...
Today’s read – A Man’s Place by Annie Ernaux
A Man's Place by Annie Ernaux Apart from writing, reading is one of the things I have committed to doing a lot more. I have a particular liking for...
Building fictional characters
Crafting characters has been on my mind for the last few months. Initially, when I wrote the first draft of my novel, I only touched on the...
Charlie & Nora
Second edition now available in Paperback and on Kindle
A character study in one-act
Charlie and Nora spend an evening together on a park bench. Throughout the night, they reveal secrets against a background of unreciprocated expectations that threaten to ruin their friendship.
“There is a quiet little gem playing in the Town Hall Theatre this week. Both actors give strong performances but Ger Considine while telling of the love story in his past gives a very special moment to the audience.”
The Galway Advertiser
“Tina O’Rourke’s two-hander is a simple but effective piece. Basically a conversation between two lonely middle-aged people on a “date”; It takes place on a rough-hewn park bench serenaded by the sounds of ambient traffic – it gradually yields its story and its riches. This is a quiet, careful production that repays attention.”
The Irish Times