Just five days after our last camping trip, read about it here. My summer camping plans with my dogs got drastically turned on its head. My older Spaniel, whom I thought was just slowing down because of her age, suddenly passed away before we even got to the second weekend. There were many vet visits, and honestly, it is still far too over whelming for me to write about, I will, just not right now.
After many tears and an immensely broken heart, we continued on with our little (sidekick spaniel Missy) she had always been the second dog to Daisy, so that’s what we affectionately call her. Becoming the only dog was a big step for her and me, now she trots along to my side, so I guess she’s my sidekick now. No choice but to become her super hero :).
Camping Loughkey Forest Park, Boyle Co Roscommon, Weekend Camping in Ireland.
View over the water to the Island, Loughkey Forest Park
Over the weekend of the 8th & 9th of July, we stayed at Loughkey Forest Park Campsite with my brother and his family. Thankfully, after a week of rain, which could have put everyone off the idea of camping, the sun came out early on a Saturday morning. Packing up two cars, we headed to Boyle in Co Roscommon from Galway city, a trip which ended up being over two and a half hours on back roads, not recommended, as we spent a lot of time stuck behind tractors. Going the direct route to Roscommon town would definitely have been preferable.
Loughkey Forest Park pic by Teigan
I had pre-booked the campsite on their website, and we arrived, checked in and pitched tents pretty quickly. The campsite is very well facilitated, and I would definitely suggest booking, as it was busy. Also, I had advanced called to make sure it was ok to bring my sidekick Missy, to make sure. Not all campsites allow dogs; some species don’t allow them in July and August. Of course, rules apply. She had to stay on the lead and always scoop the poop.
Once we sorted all of the accommodation, we went exploring. Loughkey Forest Park has loads of things to do for both adults and children. You can rent bikes, and Segways, go on a tree top walk, go zip lining, and eat pizza.
Mind you, though; the cost can add up quite a bit. We brought our bikes with us, but my brother had to rent their family bikes, one kid, one teen and two adults cost €29.00 for an hour; just enough time to do the woodland cycle.
We then returned to the campsite for dinner whilst the kids had pizza. Then, later that evening, we all played basketball and football for a bit before relaxing by the pier and watching the swans, followed by a relaxing walk back to the campsite, the long way around.
Missy is chilling after her run & cycle in Loughkey Forest Park
Loughkey Forest Park tree top walk pic by Teigan
Overall,, Loughkey is a great family campsite with loads of space for activities. The Saturday night campsite cost €22.00 for my brother and his family of four and €12 for our two-person tent.
You can book online here http://loughkey.ie/lough-key-park/caravan-park/
Some of the pictures of Loughkey Forest Park used in this post were taken by my niece Teigan (see credits above). This was her first time using one of our SLR digital cameras, she definitely has a good eye.